Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to Celebrate a Safe Diwali


Diwali is one of the most awaited festivals of the year and is a favorite of many old and young hearts. One loves everything about Diwali - the sweets, the gifts, house full of Diyas, the firecrackers. And, for me the best part of Diwali is that you can celebrate it for almost a week. Yes, at many places its still done in that fashion. And, its real fun.But, Diwali brings with it a lot of concerns too. Environment Concerns, Safety Concerns, Concern for Animals. When Diwali is a festival of celebration, why should such concerns be given a place. So, my message for everyone is to try and celebrate Diwali in the most fun way but with as much consideration for everything around you.The day of Diwali records more sound pollution than all the other days combined together in the year. Pets are afraid of the sounds made by the crackers on the day. The bomb sounds are deafening even for the human beings. Some naughty children do not think of anything but lighting crackers and do not care if they are on the road or if there are vehicles. There is always a danger of vehicles catching fire or the crackers harming someone else. And, the crackers release lot of harmful metals into the atmosphere and the smoke from the crackers is always choking. Well, we definitely do not want a day of celebration to bring so many evils upon us, right?

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